The 2023 Human Rights Festival
Opening|Freedom of the Soul – Opening Concert
演出時間 │ 12/2, Sat. 19:30
演出地點 │ 禮堂Auditorium
策畫主持 │ 馬世芳MA Shih-Fang
音樂總監 │ 蕭賀碩Shuo HSIAO
演出團隊 │ 米莎Misa WEN、巴賴Balai、王榆鈞
WANG Yu-Jun、 農村武裝青年TUDI-VOICE (Armed Youth) (依演出序in order of appearance)
節目介紹Program Introduction
這場演唱會邀請四組「後威權時代」成長的臺灣音樂人,以歌樂向前行者致意,揭開 2023 年「人權藝術生活節」的序幕。他們有著各自不同的出身背景,作品卻都融入了時代、歷史與現實議題的省思,且閃爍著詩的靈光。從民謠到搖滾,無論唱族語、客語、臺語或華語,他們都將讓這曾經見證壓抑與傷害的歷史場所充溢奔放的歌聲,那便是最值珍惜的《自由的靈魂》。
The 2023 Human Rights Festival opens with four groups of Taiwanese musicians who grew up in the post-authoritarian era. Their performance is a tribute to the musicians who have gone before them. Despite their diverse backgrounds, they share a profound reflection on the times, history and realities. Their music shines with the aura of poetry. Tonight's music ranges from folk to rock. Whether sung in their native dialects, Hakka, Taiwanese, or Mandarin Chinese, their music will fill this place that once witnessed oppression and harm with songs of exuberance. This is the most cherished Freedom of the Soul.
表演者介紹Performer Introduction
主持人、策劃|馬世芳MA Shih-Fang
Shih-Fang Ma is a renowned broadcaster, author, and television host. He is a six-times recipient of the prestigious Golden Bell Awards in broadcasting. Mr. Ma is also an author of several books of prose collections, his "Subterranean Homesick Blues" was nominated for a Golden Tripod Award and was awarded one of "The Best Books from Taiwan" at the Taipei International Book Exhibition in 2008. His third book "Lend Me Your Ears" won the China Times Kaijuan Good Book Award. Ma was the chief editor and one of the translators of Bob Dylan's "The Lyrics: 1961-2012 (Traditional Chinese edition)". He was also nominated for the Best TV Variety Show Host at the Golden Bell Awards for his work on the PTS program Viva Music No. 4.
音樂總監|蕭賀碩Shuo HSIAO
Shuo began classical piano lessons at the age of 4 and composed her first song at the age of 10. In adolescence, she was exposed to rock, jazz and pop music. She worked as a clinical laboratory technologist for half a year. In 2000, she joined Warner Records as an assistant producer, A&R planner, and then a producer. Today, she continues working with singers-songwriters of various types and indie bands. A rational and romantic music creator and producer who loves music and science.
The prizes she won have been contributed to advance the fight for freedom.
米莎Misa WEN
Born in Miaoli, Misa has been engaged in music composition since 2006. Initially focused on folk music, she gradually incorporated elements of punk, psychedelic rock, and jazz, with a captivatingly versatile vocal style. She has released five Hakka-language albums, navigating between the realms of fiction and reality. She has also participated in national state events and international music festival performances.
A Paiwan singer-songwriter, Balai’s time and story laden voice conveys a pure and simple original creativity, transparent and with heart-penetrating weight. The release of his personal album "The Modern Ancient" in December 2015 received positive and favorable acclaim. That album won him the Best Indigenous Singer Award at the 27th Golden Melody Awards. A talented singer-songwriter coupled with many years of domestic and international performance, Balai is definitely worth listening to in live performances.
王榆鈞WANG Yu-Jun
As a sound artist, film music composer, theater composer, and singer-songwriter, Wang's talent spans the areas of music, movie, theater and performer. His recent endeavors include "experimental poetry" expended from experimental sound and literature; the "multi-dimensional audio-visual" space arising from dialog vision; the "polyphonic relationship" between music, sound, history and humanities, as well as the "resonant soundscapes" that collects the fusion of environment and vocal sounds.
農村武裝青年TUDI-VOICE (Armed Youth)
Sounds emerging from the very roots of rural Taiwan
Since its establishment in 2006, TUDI-VOICE has been using music as a medium to voice concerns on behalf of Taiwan's agricultural and disadvantaged social class. By incorporating Taiwanese folk elements and embracing the spirit of rock as the foundation of its composition, the band has created a unique genre of Taiwanese country folk rock.