【劇場】《我好不浪漫的當代美式生活》Theater|How Romantic: A Guide to Modern Pangcah Life

  • 2023/12/09(Sat) 14:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/10(Sun) 17:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 白色恐怖景美紀念園區——人權學習中心1樓 / 新北市新店區復興路131號
  • 國家人權博物館 Contact Organizer

The 2023 Human Rights Festival

Theater|How Romantic: A Guide to Modern Pangcah Life


演出時間|12/9, Sat.  14:00 
     12/10, Sun.  14:00、17:00     

演出地點|人權學習中心1樓  Human Rights Education Center 1F
演出團隊|Ihot Sinlay Cihek x 部落劇會所In the Adawang Ensemble


節目介紹Program Introduction


巴奈・林(Panay Lin),從小在臺北長大的阿美族都市原住民,某晚夢見白螃蟹之靈召喚她回到媽媽的部落,期望她振興太巴塱文化。巴奈林受到感召,毅然決然成為返鄉青年,在部落的美語安親班找到工作,並以此作為傳承基地,用美語「偷渡」Pangcah文化給班上的小孩。巴奈林盡心盡力參與部落事務,務使部落的男女老幼「回歸優秀的太巴塱傳統」——


《我好不浪漫的當代美式生活》為Ihot Sinlay Cihek於2022年創作之獨角戲。旅居都市多年,Ihot時常臺北、花蓮兩地往返,觀察到原青返鄉進行文化復振的潮流,並在與家人和部落兄弟姐妹的互動中,看見返鄉原青對於融入部落的困難與尷尬。血緣、身體與行動,對於部落的承認究竟有多重要——你要付出多少,才能被視為部落的一分子?


"How Romantic: A Guide to Modern Pangcah Life" is a solo play created by Ihot Sinlay Cihek in 2022. It tells the story of Panay Lin, a woman born and raised in the city, who dreamed of a white crab – a mythological symbol of the Tafalong tribe. She interpreted the dream as a sign that the ancestors' spirits wanted her to return to her origins, so she impulsively quit her job in Taipei and returned to the tribe. Although she was not familiar with the tribe, it was the root of her mother's bloodline, and she dedicated herself to the cultural revival movement. However, the realities of the tribe, which had already embraced modern capitalism, as well as the challenges of being seen as an outsider because of her upbringing, forced Panay Lin to adapt and reconsider the romantic anticipation she felt when she decided to return.





Taiwan's indigenous population makes up only 2.5% of the total population of Taiwan. Due to this minority status, the other 97.5% of the population is often curious about the everyday lives of the indigenous people. This play focuses on a returning Pangcah youth as the main character, exploring the possibility of resistance and compromise in the daily lives of the tribe amidst the tension between traditional culture and contemporary capital society


團隊介紹Performer Introduction

Ihot Sinlay Cihek


Ihot (she/her) was born in Hualien and belongs to the Pangcah community. She is an active artist in Taiwan's performance art scene, with a focus on indigenous culture and feminism. Over the past few years, Ihot has been exploring her identity as an indigenous woman and the intersection between traditional tribal experiences and modern society. She achieves this by practicing performance art, which allows her to represent "indigenousness" and "indigeneity" through her body.





Founded in 2018, In the Adawang Ensemble encourages indigenous people to create performance art and use experimental thinking to write a new chapter for Taiwan's indigenous art. This serves as a way to reflect and engage in dialogue with the modern world.


  • 節目長度:60分鐘
    Program Length: 60 minutes

  • 建議觀賞年齡:12歲以上
    Recommended Age: 12 years old and above

  • 使用語言:Pangcah、華語、英文
    Language: Pangcah, Chinese, English

白色恐怖景美紀念園區——人權學習中心1樓 / 新北市新店區復興路131號

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price
12/9(六) 14:00 一般席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/09 13:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/9(六) 14:00 團隊貴賓席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/09 13:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/9(六) 14:00 輪椅席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/09 13:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/10(日) 14:00 一般席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/10 13:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/10(日) 14:00 團隊貴賓席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/10 13:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/10(日) 14:00 輪椅席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/10 13:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/10(日) 17:00 一般席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/10 16:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/10(日) 17:00 團隊貴賓席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/10 16:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
12/10(日) 17:00 輪椅席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/10 16:30(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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