【影像劇場】《5月35日》Movie Drama| 35th of May

The 2023 Human Rights Festival

Movie Drama |35th of May


演出時間Date │
12/2, Sat.  14:00  研習教室2樓Learning Studio 2F      
                (*演前導讀與演後座談 Pre-Performance Talk and a Post-Performance Talk)
12/9, Sat.  17:00  服務中心2樓視聽室 Service Center 2F

編劇Playwright|莊梅岩Candance CHONG
導演Director   |李鎮洲LEE Chun-Chow
監製Producer |列明慧LIT Ming-Wai、黃懿雯WONG Yee-Man
12/2座談導讀Performance Talk Host |朱耀明CHU Yiu-Ming

節目介紹Program Introduction





Another year has just passed. Octogenarians Siu Lum and Ah Dai are afflicted with the usual ailments of old age. They await death—a natural occurrence that is a part of life.
But 30 years ago, their son Chit met an unnatural death. Even today, many unanswered questions still surround the incident.
Siu Lum looks forward to being released from those bitter years lost searching for accountability. On the other hand, Ah Dai, who had been cowardly for years, grows all the more impetuous. Decades ago, he avoided such conflicts, concerned only about preparing for their future. With his spouse now staring death in the face, what is left to fear?
The two set an ambitious goal: On May 35th, they’ll hold a proper gravesite ritual for their son.
A normal activity that takes place in broad daylight in an abnormal country is still against the law. 

“Let’s challenge this abnormal bottom line,” said Ah Dai.

“Spouse, finally, I believe you love me,” Siu Lum replied.

It’s a date: to commemorate May 35th openly, in broad daylight.

*Awarded Best Script, Best Production, Best Director (Tragedy/Drama), Best Lighting Design, and Best Production of the Year at the 29th Hong Kong Drama Awards.


編劇的話Playwright's Notes








Once human lives are abbreviated as figures, their life experience, human connection and footprints on earth are  wiped out. We no longer remember they also have senses, pursuit, love and someone to linger on, just like us. Linger. That reminds me of the scene sitting among the family members of June Fourth Massacre victims, looking earnestly into their eyes and hoping to find out something that has never been archived, though 30 years have already passed and it seems no more left to say. But as human warmth and the sense of yearning can be shared and communed, the information I gathered was far more than what I needed for the screenplay.
By then I was sitting next to an exile who is fashionably westernized, but when he spoke, he spoke with a strong Northern accent. Under a foreign sky, with some foreign songs, he recalled the sadness and indignation of being a fugitive. The unreachable home country and the irreparable regret will accompany him until the end of his life.  And for several Hong Kong journalists, the stare of history imprinted deeply on their hearts. Sometimes the burden is so heavy, especially when they witness the old colleagues who went through the same trauma now embracing what they were furied about in the past, leaving professional ethics all behind. What they do right now is to swear black is white, holding the candle to the devil.
How many destinies were rewrote in one night? Over the past 30 years, how much was fading away or still lingering?
The tyranny abridged human lives into figures for governance, imprisonment and killing. People vanished without a trace. We do not agree with tyranny, we care about people so we linger on. Even if we may not be strong enough by ourselves, we may grow stronger as one, by reminding the world those people truly existed.

Contributing to June Fourth Massacre victims, their family members, the exile, the imprisoned, the journalists, the rescuers, the donors......


團隊介紹Performer Introduction

導演|李鎮洲    Director|LEE Chun-Chow


HKU SPACE Diploma in East-West Theatre Studies. Formerly served as Assistant Artistic Director of Chung Ying Theatre Company, currently working as a freelance actor and director.


編劇|莊梅岩    Playwright|Candance CHONG

香港中文大學社會科學院心理學榮譽學士、香港演藝學院戲劇學院編劇系深造文憑畢業。英國倫敦大學Royal Holloway編劇碩士。除撰寫舞臺劇外,亦從事劇本翻譯、改編、音樂劇及歌劇之文本創作。

Candance holds an Honors Bachelor's degree in Psychology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She graduated from the Drama School at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with a Diploma in Playwriting. She furthered her studies with a Master's in Playwriting from Royal Holloway, University of London. In addition to writing for the stage, she is also involved in script translation, adaptation, and the creative work for musicals and operas.

座談導讀|朱耀明 Performance Talk Host|CHU Yiu-Ming



National Chengchi University Visiting Scholars.

Reverend CHU Yiu-Ming has been a longtime member of the "Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China" and “Hong Kong Christian Patriotic Democratic Movement” since 1990, where he has shown particular concern for and support to exiled pro-democracy activists.  

Beginning in 2002, he has been actively involved in the "Hong Kong Democratic Development Network," dedicated to promoting democratic development in Hong Kong. In 2014, Reverend Chu, along with Professor Benny Tai Yiu-ting and Professor Chan Kin-man, co-initiated the "Occupy Central with Love and Peace" movement. The three, collectively known as the "Occupy Central Trio", employed civil disobedience as a means to push for the realization of the universal suffrage rights promised to the people of Hong Kong under the Basic Law. The Occupy movement later evolved into the "Umbrella Movement." Ultimately, the "Occupy Central Trio" faced prosecution, with Reverend Chu being convicted of "conspiracy to commit public nuisance." He received a 16-month prison sentence, which was subsequently suspended for two years. Currently based in Taiwan, Reverend Chu is working on his personal memoir. 



  • 片長:97分鐘   
    Program Length: 97 minutes
  • 建議觀賞年齡:12歲以上
    Recommended Age: 12 years old and above
  • 使用語言:粵語演出,附中英文字幕
    Language: Cantonese. With Chinese and English subtitles.
白色恐怖景美紀念園區—— 研習教室2樓Learning Studio 2F 、服務中心2F視聽室 Service Center 2F / 新北市新店區復興路131號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
12/2(六) 14:00 一般席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/02 13:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
12/2(六) 14:00 團隊貴賓席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/02 13:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
12/9(六) 17:00 一般席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/09 16:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料
12/9(六) 17:00 團隊貴賓席

2023/11/23 12:00(+0800) ~ 2023/12/09 16:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料